Working with Me


I provide readings with the intention of acknowledging your wholeness and mirroring back to you your true potential.

  • All readings will currently be typed and sent via email. I will include a photo of the cards that appeared in your reading.

  • Please allow one week for your reading to be completed. If for any reason I cannot make this window, I will let you know and hope you forgive me. :D

  • When purchasing a reading, please leave the details of the situation you are asking about or what your aim is for the reading in the notes section at checkout. Help me help you by giving me context. I don’t claim to be a psychic so any info you can give will help me assure you get the guidance you’re seeking.

  • I will most likely use a combination of tarot and oracle cards for your reading. If you have a preference for one over the other, please just let me know.

  • As a responsible and considerate being, I will keep the details of your reading confidential. I don’t take lightly that you have trusted me with private aspects of your life. Therefore, you have my utmost respect and gratitude, and your privacy will remain intact.

  • Though I may offer advice in the readings I give, know I am never telling you how you should live your life. I believe we all know what’s best for ourselves and sometimes we just need a little help to realize that. Readings are not a substitute for your inner guidance and you are not obligated to agree with anything I say in a reading. Only take what resonates and leave the rest. No worries.

  • Please understand you may not always like what comes out in a reading. It’s not my aim to be malicious if this happens. As I said above, trust your own judgment to take the messages that resonate. That said, I do believe sometimes the things we dislike can be a doorway to deeper healing and connection to self. You know what’s best.

  • When framing your needs from the reading, please refrain from asking yes or no questions or questions about the future. I repeat I am not a psychic. I simply read the energies I see reflected in the cards based on your situation. I’m also not a medium, and though themes of death and grief may come up, I don’t claim to be able to communicate with the dead. I also don’t do questions related to health concerns, law, or financial issues.

My Background:

  • You may like to know I have a Master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy, which entailed three years of study, two of them being hands-on clinical training. I chose not to pursue this line of work, but the experience has greatly shaped the way I approach my work as a reader. As a result, I believe everything is relational and our connections play a hugely significant role in our lives. Considering context is crucial. Though I do emphasize the importance of recognizing the influences of the things and people around us, I tend to focus a lot on the relationship we have with ourselves and how we relate to our thoughts. Acknowledging our perceptions and their influence is a big part of the work I do. If you’d like a more in-depth understanding of my line of thinking when it comes to collaborating, you can check out this blog post from when I was completing my therapy program. It is oriented toward therapeutic work, however, I still feel it captures my approach pretty accurately.

  • Although I do have training in therapy, understand I am not a licensed professional. Make of that what you will and always seek the help you feel you need. I don’t mean for this to sound rude but remember, you are ultimately responsible for yourself. Always use the guidance offered in readings wisely and understand I can’t be held responsible for any actions you take as a result.

  • My aim is more toward empowering you to think for yourself and tap into the power you hold to shape your life in the ways you want. This also means I can’t tell you how someone else is thinking or feeling. I will not do readings for others without their consent. You are the one who is asking for the reading so your energy will be the focus.

  • I do not offer refunds if you are dissatisfied with the insights received from a reading. My apologies if this happens but hopefully it won’t.

  • I maintain the right to deny giving a reading if I feel it is not in alignment with my beliefs or my approach to readings. This is not to insult you or your beliefs, but to preserve my own sense of integrity, and to also acknowledge that I may not be the reader best suited for you.

If you have concerns you feel were not addressed here, please feel free to contact me and I will do my best to assist.  

Thank you so much for being here! <3