

Childlike Wonder

From the Chicken Transition Oracle Deck

From the Chicken Transition Oracle Deck

It's safe to say children see the world through a much different lens than most adults do. Just by observing them play we get a glimpse inside their imagination and discover how full of possibilities the world can be. Before the conditioning of adulthood sets in, children aren’t inhibited by things like rational thought or right or wrong notions of how to experience reality. To them everything is magic, and nothing can become something by the simple act of making it so.

There’s no need for them to question or assume why they can’t do something. Through the power of their minds, they experience their limitless reality. Think of what we might learn from this approach if we were only willing to release all our preunderstandings. We might return to life with a newfound sense of play and wonder. There is magic and potential everywhere if we are only willing to let it work for us instead of working against it.