


From the Chicken Transition Oracle Deck

From the Chicken Transition Oracle Deck

Sometimes one of the hardest things to do is resist imposing our expectations onto situations. We want to make sure we are in the right place, doing the right thing, at the right time. Rarely do we ever stop to consider the implicit judgments attached to those ideas, or where they come from in the first place. We want so badly to belong, yet never recognize how clutching to the idea of wanting to belong implies that we don’t already.

When observing our world, a perfect balance and flow seem to already exist without much interference on our part. Difficulties mostly arise when we try to fight against that flow and don’t accept the limitations of where we are. Worrying so much about specific outcomes can set us up for disappointment because the possibilities for “success” become narrowed.

Sometimes there’s more power and opportunity to be gained from simply letting go, and trusting you’re exactly where you’re meant to be, doing things at your appropriate pace. What would happen if instead of striving for a certain result, we just decided that we didn’t have to try so hard to be what we already are? With that in mind, there is no failure.